Product Overview

1/ Left side of the homepage displays the platform's total TVL.

2/ Right side of the homepage displays your value within Gryphon.

3/ These are the staking/unstaking mechanisms (ASSET <> nASSET). Injective is the one you'll be concerned about initially. 4/ After staking your $INJ, you can claim your rewards here. 5/ After burning $nINJ, you can claim your INJ here.

6/ Choose the amount of $INJ you want to stake. Click "MINT" to stake and receive $nINJ.

7/ Burn is the opposite of minting. This unstakes your $nINJ back to $INJ. Choose the amount of $nINJ you want to unstake and click "BURN".

8/ This is where your accumulated points and your referral code are displayed. You'll initially have to click the yellow button to reveal your referral code.

9/ This is a list of your referrals using your code.

10/ This is the points leaderboard.

Last updated